Prijava za Master studijske programe na Sveučilištu u Oslu


velj 2, 2021

Dear student representatives,

We are searching for qualified students to our Master’s program at the University of Oslo, Norway and would appreciate if you could help us in sharing the information below in your communication channels to students graduating at the Bachelor’s level with a strong background in quantitative methods.

In everyday life, work, sports, and in research, we are constantly comparing and ranking people and their achievements. You are and have been tested, assessed, and evaluated throughout your life.
Is test construction merely an art, or is there also some science behind it?
The Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation programme intends to train inquisitive students to become measurement specialists in the social and behavioral sciences. The programme offers rigorous training in research methods and data analysis using the free software environment R for statistical computing and graphics.
Apply for the Master’s program at the University of Oslo now (deadline 1 March!).

Specifics about the program and application requirements:

(Specialization on Bachelor’s level equivalent to 80 ECTS credits in social behavioural sciences or relevant studies in natural sciences or humanities with a measurement/statistics orientation. At least 15 out of the 80 ECTS must be courses in quantitative research methods or statistics).

Student experiences:
“This programme appealed both to my pedagogical experience and to my interest in analytics and modelling,” shares one of our most recent alumna. Read more about her experiences in the programme and what she does now:

Check out our Facebook page

Centre for Educational Measurement (CEMO) University of Oslo

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