Ured za društvene aktivnosti SZSUR, UNIRI i Art-kino Croatia ovog puta vode te na tri projekcije dva filma!
Student si ili zaposlenik Sveučilišta u Rijeci, prijavi se i besplatno pogledaj film!
Sve što je potrebno učiniti je da popuniš ovaj obrazac i uputiš se u kino na odabrani termin.
Prijaviti se mogu svi studenti Sveučilišta u Rijeci neovisno o razini studija te redovitom ili izvanrednom statusu studenta kao i studenti na razmjeni (Erasmus i dr.).
Obrascu se pristupa upisivanjem korisničkih podataka u sustavu AAI@EduHr (e-adresa povezana s uniri korisničkim imenom npr. peric.pero@student.uniri.hr).
U slučaju da student nije u mogućnosti pristupiti prijavi upisivanjem svojih korisničkih AAI@EduHr podataka ili nema potrebne korisničke podatke, mora se javiti LDAP administratoru na svojoj sastavnici.
Popis i kontakti LDAP administratora za studente.
Office for social activities of the Student Council of the University of Rijeka in cooperation with Art-kino Croatia take you to the movie.
How to get free cinema tickets? You just need to fill out an online form!
All employee and students of the University of Rijeka can apply (including exchange students), regardless of the level of their study program and student status (full-time/part-time).
The form can be accessed by entering user data in the AAI@EduHr system (e-mail address associated with the UNIRI username, e.g. peric.pero@student.uniri.hr).
In case the student is unable to fill in the form using their AAI@EduHr data or does not have the required user data, they must contact the LDAP administrator on their constituent. The list of LDAP administrators for students can be found here.
- W.R. – MISTERIJE ORGANIZMA (W.R. – Mysteries of the Organism)- 5. 6. u 19:30 h ili 9. 6. u 19:30 h – https://www.art-kino.org/hr/film/wr-misterije-organizma
Ispuni formu do 1. lipnja!
Fill out form until June 1st! - JOŠ JEDNA RUNDA (Druk) – 14. 6. u 19:00 h – https://www.art-kino.org/hr/film/jos-jedna-runda
Ispuni formu do 9. lipnja!
Fill out form until June 9th!
Broj ulaznica je ograničen!!