Paris, October 12th, 2017 – On April 12th 2018, top European talents from 120 campuses will compete in the fourth edition of the Morpheus Cup to showcase their skills and highlight their most innovative projects. After Luxembourg in 2017, the event will take place in 2018 at the Palais Brongniart (Stock Exchange) in Paris and will focus on burning topics such as Digital Transformation, Creativity, Deeptech, Circular Economy, Ecommerce and much more.
Since its launch in 2015, the Morpheus Cup has been placed under the high patronage of the European Commission with the support of Commissioners Marianne Thyssen and Carlos Moedas in 2017. “The championship is a great opportunity for young people to showcase their skills and to help to bridge the gap between universities, schools and the European employment market. In the Commission, we believe that the right skills not only improve young people’s life chances, but also act as a driver for our future competitiveness and growth” underlines Mrs. Thyssen.
In the last three years, the event already attracted hundreds of campus from more than 20 countries and rewarded many of them including Warshaw School of Economics, Mannheim Business School, HEC Paris, Polytechnique Nantes, universities from Oxford, Berlin, Luxembourg, Athens, and Barcelona.
New challenges for new talents
The next edition will take the competition to another level by featuring tech, business, science, marketing, creative challenges in five different rooms, suggesting meetings with employers, innovative brands and investors through 50 stands and presenting not less than 20 categories for students to submit their projects/startups ideas (Morpheus Prize). Apart from the live experiences and challenges designed by entrepreneurs or partners of the event, almost 500 research projects and startups will be showcased to win awards, the championship and up to €50,000 worth of prizes.
Art, circular economy, human capital, smart cities, mobility, FinTech, design, industry, sport, artificial intelligence… topics, regardless of the students’ profiles and education level, invite them to be creative in many different fields.
Finalists will have to pitch in front of an international jury. Past editions welcomed jury members from Google Lunar XPrize, WarnerBros, Accenture, European Investment Fund, FC Barcelona, ESA, Canal+, Novak Djokovic Foundation etc. Daimler, Forbes, Expon Capital, Davidson, Leroy-Merlin, PwC have already joined the next edition.
Registrations are already open. First partners, jury members and employers will be unveiled before Christmas season.
The Morpheus Cup’s website unveils the main characteristics of the championship and also the past editions prize-winners.
About the Morpheus Cup
The only one of its kind in the world, the Morpheus Cup invites each year the greatest talents among European students to compete together through innovative projects and one day of themed challenges.
This championship created in 2015 is divided into two parts and students can decide to enter one or the other part of the competition:
• The Morpheus Prize: a call for projects & startups rewarded by category and in which you can take part individually or with a team
• The Morpheus Day: a live team competition on April 12th in Paris (2-3 people by team)
To date, more than 100 campuses from 19 countries have sent their teams or projects supported by 50 employers and innovative brands.
In 2018, Paris will welcome the fourth edition of this event at Palais Brongniart with the support of both the European Commission and Paris City Hall.
For more information, please contact:
Fabien Amoretti, Founder of the Morpheus Cup :

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