Poziv za volontiranje u Španjolskoj – YOUTH EXCHANGE “LOST IN TRANSLATION”


ruj 25, 2019

This project “LOST IN TRANSLATION” is a youth exchange that is framed within Erasmus + KA1  and will take place in summer/autumn   2020 at  Puente Genil  (Córdoba, Spain).

This project is aimed at young people between 18 and 30 years from five European countries . They will be a total of 30 participants and 3 Spanish organizers (6 per country).

The main topic of “LOST IN TRANSLATION” is about migration, working on integration and active citizenship through interaction that keep young people to discuss migration and how migration is present at national, European and global level.


The main objectives of this project are:

– Establish a deep understanding of the migration to break stereotypes and prejudices.

– Promoting mutual understanding between young people from different backgrounds.

– Strengthen the idea of European citizenship.

– To promote an active and entrepreneurial spirit among young people.


The methodology will be based on: learning among peers, constructive debates, role playing, presentations, active participation, learning through experiences, cooperation and group dynamics, artistic creations, recycling, theatre forum, etc…

To do this, carry out the following activities:

– Activities of knowledge and disinhibition.

– Dynamics to wake up and get energy.

– To strengthen the group dynamics.

– Introduction activities and location in the project.

– Evaluation activities.

– Activities on migration.

– Activities for understanding and eliminating prejudices.

– Dissemination activities.

– Visits

– Travel

– Activities to share experiences

– Outdoor activities

– Activities to creativity development

– Activities for entrepreneurship and working life

With this project, we also try to make an impact at the local, regional, national, European and international levels; as the dissemination and exploitation of results of it will allow us to advertise the project and give us the ability to create new networks for future projects and youth from all over the world could be interested in the subject and undertake projects in the Erasmus + program.

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