Are you a University of Rijeka student? Register for vaccination!


kol 24, 2021

The University of Rijeka students have the opportunity to register to be vaccinated in Rijeka.

You may apply here only in case you haven’t yet been contacted for vaccination and received the first dose based on other criteria (e.g. students of medicine required to be vaccinated to participate in clinical exercises, students working in tourism during the summer, etc.). If you have started the vaccination process according to another model, it should be finished as agreed.

All students of the University of Rijeka can apply (including exchange students), regardless of the level of their study program and student status (full-time/part-time).

Important notice: Vaccination recommendations can be found at the following links:

All applicants will be contacted by the Teaching Institute of Public Health of Primorje-Gorski kotar County.

The form can be accessed via the following LINK by entering user data in the AAI@EduHr system (e-mail address associated with the UNIRI username, e.g.

When registering, the student is required to provide the following information: JMBAG (10 digits before zero on the student ID), UNIVERSITY CONSTITUENT (academy/faculty/department), OIB (personal identification number), TYPE OF ACCOMMODATION (student dormitory or other) and CONTACT PHONE NUMBER, while the name and e-mail address are entered automatically.

In case the student is unable to fill in the form using their AAI@EduHr data or does not have the required user data, they must contact the LDAP administrator on their constituent. The list of LDAP administrators for students can be found here.  

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